Saturday, September 14, 2019

"Storm Chasers"

So, this blog's URL comes from the fact that I used to run a horror club at my high school. It was never very popular, and a lot of the people there were seniors, so it basically died after that year ended and they all graduated. I still have some pretty fond memories of watching the Ghost Stories dub on Halloween- which was, ironically, one of the few times we weren't actually trying to scare each other.

Here's one of the stories I did for Horror Club.

"Once there was a city called Atkins. It was a city where children told each other stories about thunderclouds that become crows to flock in black masses. Adults said they never told their children these stories, and the area was so isolated that surely the tales were the work of overimaginative children sharing wicked tales.

"One has to wonder, though, why they developed these stories of troubled minds and darkened skies that inevitably arrived in the wake of the Murder of Crows, these stories saying that when the Murder was near, you could only hope they were not watching you while you were not watching them.

"They said that the Murder entered people’s bodies. They said that the Murder nested inside humans and rearranged their brains. They said that the Murder took people so far into the air that they entered another world. They said that to the Murder, people were nothing but food and shelter.

"That, and tools."

I think I called it "Storm Chasers." I probably thought it sounded artistic or something.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The clouds outside

I don't really like fall, honestly. It makes me think of winter, and winter doesn't have rain, just snow. Rain's got a really nice sound, one you can fall asleep to, you know? You can't really do that with snow.

But if there's one thing I appreciate about fall, it's how cloudy it gets. I love the kind of darkness that comes from an overcast sky. Sunny weather all the time is boring.

Anyways, I guess I'll take a break from talking about the weather to explain the point of this blog. See, I've always wanted to be a writer, but I've never really been too great at coming up with my own concepts. So I've decided it would be neat to try and record the local folklore, like Jacob Grimm did for Germany. See, for some reason, the city of Atkins, Michigan has a bunch of urban legends that never really spread around. Even melonheads show up in Ohio and Connecticut and wherever. I'm talking about legends that are really specific to Atkins.

Fittingly enough, my name's Quinton Grimm.

One of the most enduring legends in the area is that of the Murder of Crows. I first heard about them from a friend in elementary or middle school. The way he explained it, they're these crows made of clouds that can summon thunder and lightning. No matter where you go, you aren't safe from the Murder.